
Certification ISO – Quality Management System for Design, manufacturing and installation of processing lines and industrial devices used in the processes of: filtration, separation, dehydration, screening, segregation and technological transport. Design and production of machines and devices making use of the sieves, tanks and pressure vessels including process pipe work.  Certificate issued by Lloyd’s Register (Polska) sp. z o.o. for and on behalf of Lloyd’s Register Quality  Assurance Limited

OBAC Certification – the ability to perform repairs of machinery and equipment (issued by OBAC)

Permissions issued by the Technical Supervision Board (UDT):

  • Fabrication of  pressure vessels and non pressure devices
  • Repairs of non-pressure tanks and low-pressure tanks for toxic or corrosive materials, fixed pressure tanks, non-pressure tanks and low pressure tanks for flammable liquids
  • Manufacturing of  assembly of non-pressure tanks and low-pressure tanks for toxic or corrosive, non-pressure tanks and low pressure tanks for flammable liquids
  • Manufacture of non-pressure tanks and low-pressure tanks for toxic or corrosive, non-pressure tanks and low pressure tanks for flammable liquids
  • Refurbishing  of non-pressure tanks and low-pressure tanks for toxic or corrosive, non-pressure tanks and low pressure tanks for flammable liquids, pressurized fixed tanks
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PFTechnology Sp. z o.o.
ul. Kościuszki 96
26-680 Wierzbica

(+48) 48 618 20 71
(+48) 48 618 20 82
e-mail: office@pftechnology.eu